Different microscopic coexistences live in the body of an adult. Most of them are useful and are our symbionts. These include about 500 species of bacteria that live mainly in the gut. However, many life forms, entering the human body, begin to parasitize and poison the health of the host.
One type of unwanted neighbor is the worm. They are parasitic worms that infect the intestines, liver, lungs and, in rare cases, muscles. All types of parasitic worms are united under the name helminths, and the infection with them is helminthiasis.
To answer the question of how to treat worms, it is necessary to understand how they enter the human body. There are basic ways of infection:
- Through the soil when infected with worms that spend part of their life cycle on earth. Their eggs or larvae in the process of development fall on vegetables and fruits, which are later eaten. Infected with helminths through the soil, the animals subsequently transmit them to humans.
- In contact with an infected person. The larvae can be spread through bed linen, towels and other items used by an infected patient. According to statistics, helminths are present in the body of 60% of the population, migrants of Asian origin are a special risk group.
- By eating infected meat or fish. Worm eggs and larvae are destroyed by prolonged exposure to high temperatures.
- Sometimes insect bites can be a cause of infection.
Once in the human body, worms actively multiply and release toxic waste products. Their accumulation and increase in the number exacerbates the symptoms of malaise. To get rid of the parasite, you need to see a doctor and undergo a course of treatment.
Signs of worm infection in an adult

The presence of a parasite in the organs can be determined by external signs. These include skin manifestations that significantly worsen her condition and cause itching. For example, inflammation, acne, cracked heels, layering nails.
Worm infection has similar symptoms as other diseases. The intensification of various manifestations depends on the location of the helminth. In addition to skin rashes are characteristic intestinal disorders:
- unstable stools;
- specific bad breath, increased flatulence;
- nausea;
- itching in the anus;
- weight loss with concomitant increase in appetite.
Parasitic toxins also affect the nervous system, causing headaches and irritability. With a significant increase in the number of helminths, memory problems and depression can occur. The immune system does not recover due to lack of vitamins and important elements. Man is constantly sick under the influence of viruses and bacteria. If the respiratory system is affected, coughing and choking attacks may occur.
If you find these symptoms, you should consult a doctor. A specialist, using test results and a thorough examination, will determine the form of the parasite and prescribe medication.
Types of helminths that parasitize the human body

The treatment of the disease is prescribed depending on the type of parasite that has settled in the internal organs. Different worms affect certain tissues and cause specific symptoms.
Distinguish the main forms of infection from parasitic worms:
- Enterobiosis is formed under the influence of pinworms. The small round organisms are localized in the intestines and cause severe itching on the skin of the anus.
- Trichinella enters the muscles through the vascular system. Symptoms appear abruptly and unexpectedly in the form of fever, chills, swelling of the eyelids and face.
- Vlasoglavy belong to the nematodes and affect the colon. Signs of the disease are mild or absent. There may be dizziness, abdominal pain, inflammation of the appendix.
- The defeat of different types of tapeworms. These include bovine tapeworm, tapeworm, swine tapeworm. The parasites live in the intestines, differing in body, like a ribbon divided into very small parts. Symptoms are characterized by dizziness, abdominal pain, stool disorders.
These forms of invasion are most often caused by poor personal hygiene, eating bad fried meat. Pets are also a source of the parasite.
If the patient shows symptoms of worm infection, the doctor confirms the diagnosis with the help of laboratory tests. The feces are most often tested for helminth eggs and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays are performed. Additionally, anal scrapings, endoscopy and ultrasound can be examined.
Necessary drugs for the treatment of worms
If helminths are found in the human body, the doctor prescribes drugs. To get rid of the disease, many turn to traditional medicine. It is possible to use a combination treatment, but its effectiveness will be monitored by a specialist.
The presence of worms in the internal organs is not a dangerous diagnosis if the disease is identified in time and a course of medication is prescribed. Their impact will be aimed at destroying the parasite that poisons the body of the infected. After the removal of helminths and their metabolic products, human health is restored.
Due to the need to suppress the parasite, the composition of the drugs will contain components that affect their ability to absorb nutrients. Lack of nutrition and breeding conditions will lead to the death of worms.
Drugs according to the type of effect on worms are divided into the following types:
- The active components block the nervous and muscular system of worms. They develop paralysis, cannot attach to the walls of the intestine and are separated from the body.
- The drug interferes with the oxidation of glucose in the body of the parasite, which causes their death.
- Drugs that block the formation of cellular tubulin and ATP synthesis.
- Drugs that affect the intestinal system of helminths.
- Components that destroy the shell of worms. They are exposed to calcium and are absorbed by the human intestinal system.
There are drugs with wide influence and directed against a certain type of helminths. The choice of drug is made by the doctor based on the tests, the severity of symptoms and the method of treatment. In addition, the presence of possible contraindications to the use of the drug is taken into account.
In addition, agents are prescribed that eliminate the manifestation of allergic reactions to parasitic toxins. Taking these tablets reduces the level of poisoning with worm waste products and relieves the symptoms of the disease. Auxiliary components are used individually for the complex course of helminthiasis.
Atypical methods for the treatment of helminthiasis

The use of drugs is especially effective in the fight against worms. The only drawback of drugs is their contraindications. Non-drug treatment is used for such situations:
- Ayurveda;
- oxygen exposure;
- alcohol treatment.
The system of Indian Ayurveda medicine increases the overall tone of the body, restores vitality and helps fight helminths. According to this doctrine, the cause of worm infections is a lack of personal hygiene and purity of thought. Special exercises are used to maintain health and laxatives. Herbs in combination with hot spices cleanse the body of toxins. Successfully used thyme, wormwood, St. John's wort with a break in the course for a week.
The essence of oxygen therapy is the saturation of the cells of the gastrointestinal tract with the appropriate gas. To do this, a tube is inserted into the esophagus and oxygen is pumped through it. The procedure is repeated for several days. Ozone therapy is also used to kill worms. The tube is inserted into the anus with this method. Ozone-oxygen mixture is fed through it, which paralyzes the helminths. Enemas with olive oil and ozone are sometimes used.
Alcoholic beverages are used as a component in treatment. Cognac and tea are mixed in equal amounts and then drunk on an empty stomach with a laxative. Cognac is used as a stand-alone medicine, one tablespoon for five days. Destroys helminths infusion of vodka with garlic for 10 days.
Methods of traditional medicine for the treatment of worms

The variety of folk remedies allows you to choose the best for each case of infection. The natural components that affect parasites include the following:
- Pumpkin and flax seeds in combination with laxatives.
- Wormwood infusions, b.
- Phytoncides of garlic and onion.
- Ginger root with sugar.
- Dried clove seeds, ground in a coffee grinder.
- Enema with castor oil and baking soda.
The choice of recipe depends on what types of helminths live in the body. Based on the test results, the parasitologist will choose the optimal combination of different treatments.
Ways to protect against worm infection
Maintaining health is possible by following the rules of personal hygiene in all situations. Hands should be washed with soap and water after visiting public places and traveling on public transport. It is necessary to monitor the cleanliness of underwear and prevent the accumulation of dirt under the nails.

Pets should be dewormed every six months. After contact with stray dogs and cats, it is important to clean the surface of the hands with antibacterial soap.
Vegetables, fruits and herbs should be eaten well washed. Meat and fish should be treated with high heat for at least 40 minutes.
Following these recommendations will help avoid infection and subsequent treatment.